Operant Conditioning and Behavioural Test Equipment
Empower your research with world class equipment
from the world’s top manufacturers
We are proud to be distributors for Med Associates, Inc. Having worked with Med Associates for over 20 years we can provide expert advice and support on any aspect of the use and maintenance of Med Associates equipment. We supply any items from the vast Med Associates range to our customers throughout Europe and beyond. If you are looking for any equipment for use in operant or behavioural testing please contact us to discuss your requirements.
The items below are a small selection from the vast range of equipment that is available.

Operant Chamber Packages
Med Associates supply a number of standard operant chamber packages for popular applications such as self-administration, 5CSRTT and simple lever pressing tasks.

Modular Chambers for Rats
All operant chambers from Med Associates are available as modular systems – this means that you can design each chamber to fit your unique requirements. Pay only for the items you want by choosing the stimulus and response resources that you need for your test paradigm.

Modular Chambers for Mice
All operant chambers from Med Associates are available as modular systems – this means that you can desogn each chamber to fit your unique requirements. Pay only for the items you want by choosing the stimulus and response resources that you need for your test paradigm.

Social Interaction Chambers
A relatively new product from Med Associates – Social Interaction Chambers provide the ability to use social interaction as a reward during operant tasks. These are now available as standard products – please ask us for more details.

Touch-Screen Chambers
Touch-screen use in operant tasks is now commonplace. K-Limbic touch-screens provide a versatile means of creating any touch-screen operant task easily and quickly. The touch-screens can be supplied as part of a new system or retro-fitted to your existing Med Associates operant chambers, available for rats and mice.
The video above shows a simple touch-screen driven visual discrimination task in a classic mouse operant chamber.

Open Field Activity
Our seamless open field activity packages provide everything that you need to get your experiments up and running, offering flexibility not seen in competing systems. Easy to install accessories add the functionality required to run place preference experiments. Animal movement is tracked using IR beam arrays on the X and Y axes for position and the Z axis for rearing. Expandable up to 16 chambers.

Wireless Running Wheels for Mice
Our low-profile wireless running wheel for mice can be used in standard IVC home cages for enrichment and quantification of running activity 24 hours a day. Wireless communication allows up to 40 wheels to connect to a single hub device. A simple data format allows output data to be analysed for many applications such as circadian rhythm or activity measurement.

Running Wheels for Rats
For rats we have a wheel that is integrated with a home cage. A manual guillotine door controls access to the wheel. Rotational drag is controlled using a thumbwheel switch providing nine preset resistance levels. Revolutions are presented on an LCD display for standalone operation, automatic data collection is supported via a standard Med Associates 28 V input module.

Rota-Rod for Mouse
New rota-rod design with either one or five animal capacity for mice. New direct-drive motor os 20 dB quieter than previous generation, textured rod surface provides excellent traction whilst preventing the animal from gripping the surface. Software controlled speed protocols up to 100 rpm. Easy to clean design.

Rota-Rod for Rats
The new rota-rod design with either one or four animal capacity. New direct-drive motor is 20 dB quieter than previous generation, textured rod surface provides excellent traction whilst preventing the animal from gripping the surface. Software controlled speed protocols up to 100 rpm. Easy to clean design.

Rota-Rod Software
Included with the purchase of any rota-rod treadmill, the rota-rod software will:
- Organise test subjects
- Create rotation protocols
- Store results in an easily exportable format.

Fear Conditioning
Possibly the most popular video fear conditioning system on the market the Med Associates VFC system provides everything required to perform fear conditoning experiments quickly and easily. The system incorporates visible light, tones and foot shocks in simple to configure protocols. Video analysis is used to characterise the freezing behaviour of the subject.

Conditioned Place Preference
Our range of two and three compartment place preference chambers provide the ideal environments for place preference experiments. Chambers are configurable with either manual or automated guillotine doors, lights and audio presentation, with rod or mesh floor surfaces available. Animal location can be tracked using optional infra-red beam sensors with up to eight chambers per autometed system.

Davis Rig - Gustometry
Med Associates are proud to have acquired the Davis Rig system from DiLog Instruments. The Davis Rig provides a means to perform controlled access lickometry studies to assess taste preference and ingestion behaviour in a rapid and efficient manner.
The Davis Rig package contains verything needed for running brief access lickometry studies in a single subject.

Barnes Maze
For assessment of spatial learning and memory the Barnes Maze is available in designs for mice or rats. A safe box is included. Designed for manual scoring by the researcher

Elevated Plus Maze
The elevated plus maze is available for mice or rats in a modular design. Select a suitable option for either automated scoring via infra-red beam sensors of animal position, manual scoring by observation or video analysis with an NIR back-lit track.

Y Maze
An economical maze, well suited for manual scoring or for use with video tracking software. This maze is built using modular components from the modular maze range.

Modular Maze Components
Build any maze to suit your requirements using components from the Med Associates modular maze system. The system can be used to create T-mazes, Y-mazes or radial mazes with up to eight runways. Add pellet dispensers, lights, tones etc for functionality. Sense position with IR sensors or add NIR back-lighting for video analysis. This versatile system supplies you with the components to build a maze to suit your requirements.

Volumetric Drinking Tubes
We can supply volumetric drinking tubes for simple assessment of drinking behaviour. Available in two styles:
- Standard – using an economical lixit valve which may be easier for small animals with a weak lick
- Deluxe – using a stronger valve with a Teflon gasket to prevent bedding from jamming the valve

Syringe Pumps
Med Associates are experts in the design and manufacture of reliable, economical and versatile syringe pumps.
Available in a range of sizes and specifications for use as reward delivery devices or in self-administration studies, Med Associates syringe pumps have proven performance over decades of use.

Without doubt the fastest way to get your Med Associates system up and running, we can install and configure your equipment for you. Utilise our years of experience to get your equipment running so that you can focus on what really matters – running experiments and capturing data. Available throughout Europe and beyond we will liaise with you prior to installation to ensure that our time on site is used to maximum effect. Please ask for a fixed price quote for your installation.

Everything sold by Med Associates comes with lifetime product support. We realise that new products and devices require a high level of support and training and we are committed to ensuring that whatever your level of knowledge, wherever you are based – we have your back!

Custom Designs
Despite the vast range available there will be an occasion where you need something special – perhaps something new – something innovative or even unique.
We offer our experience of creating new designs and modifying existing items to all our customers. So, if you have searched everywhere and not found what you need, let us know and we may be able to create it for you.
Contact Us
Click here to send us a request for more details or a full quotation for any items from the Med Associates product range.